• What are your qualifying criteria to lease an apartment?

    Our qualifying criteria can be found here.

  • What does the CDC recommend for COVID-19?
  • Can I reschedule the Maintenance Move-Out Check?

    We understand that moving can be stressful and that your availability may change. If you need to reschedule your Maintenance Move-Out Check, please just give us a call, send us a message through the SMARTHUB, or stop by the office and any team member will be happy to reschedule the inspection for you. 

  • Will I be charged for anything after the Maintenance Move-Out Check?

    You will not be charged based on the results of the Maintenance Move-Out Check but may be charged when your Move-Out Inspection is completed and/or if no inspection is arranged and your apartment is walked once it is vacant.  

    The Maintenance Move-Out Check is different than the Move-Out Walk Inspection. 

    The former is to determine what will be required, from a technical standpoint, to get the apartment ready for the next resident.  This is conducted by a Maintenance team member after a notice to move out has been received. 

    The Move-Out Inspection is to inspect the condition of the apartment upon move out and, based on the condition, determine what charges, if any, will be incurred.  The Move Out Inspection can be scheduled with management at your convenience and is conducted by an office team member at or after move-out. 

  • How long will you need access to my apartment?

    The typical visit is 15-20 minutes.

  • Am I required to be home for the Maintenance Move-Out Check?

    Nope.  Just ensure all pets are secured and make sure that a minor is not home alone. 

  • Why do you need access to my apartment before my move out date?

    If you have submitted your notice to move out, know that we will miss youYou’ve also probably received notification that we will need access to your apartment, this is to create an inventory of supplies and services we'll need to prepare the apartment for the next resident.  Similar to a preventative maintenance check, a maintenance technician will look at the overall condition of the apartment, appliances, features, equipment, etc. 

  • How do I pay my reservation fee?

    To pay your reservation fee after you’re approved with Venterra's SMARTLEASING, simply check your email inbox for your approval email.  This email will have a link that will take you to the payment portal where you can input your payment information and reserve your apartment.

  • If I transfer into a different apartment, will my SMARTHUB account switch over automatically?

    If you transfer to a different apartment, your Venterra SMARTHUB account will transfer with you. Keep in mind, though, that the transfer has to be processed in the system and it will take a few days.  You will be unable to pay rent or submit a Service Request for your new apartment on the Venterra SMARTHUB until the switchover is complete.  

  • When will I be notified about my apartment lease renewal options?

    You will be notified via email with your apartment lease renewal options about 75 days before your lease expires. If you haven’t guessed by now, we are firm believers in good communication. 

  • How do I change my information?

    To change your information, such as pets or vehicles, you can send a message to the office team through your Venterra SMARTHUB page, send us an email, give us a call, or simply stop by the office.

  • Can I set up a SMARTHUB account if I am not a resident yet?

    You can. While not all companies offer the ability to create an account before you are a resident, Venterra offers SMARTHUB accounts to prospective renters.  It’s your own space where you can create your own price quotes, set appointments, and find the perfect apartment home for you.

  • What are the penalties for not returning all apartment keys or entry devices?

    If you do not return all apartment keys and entry devices, you will be charged the replacement fee for what was not turned in. You can find specific amounts in Section 1 of your lease contract.  

  • Do I have to walk my dog on a leash?

    With the exception of the Bark Park, where your dog can run off the leash, yes, you have to walk your dog on a leash. It’s important for safety reasons that dogs be on a leash and under direct control of a supervising person. While you may have trained your dog to stay by your side, dogs can sometimes get excited (squirrel!) and run up to other dogs or people who are of different temperaments which could cause an unfortunate event.

  • How do I set up my Resident Portal or SMARTHUB account?
    • In most cases, to set up a Resident Portal account to pay rent online, you will need to visit the login page and sign up.  
    • Lucky for you, you’re moving into a Venterra community! Your Venterra SMARTHUB account, where you can pay rent, and submit and track service requests, is created when you apply for an apartment with SMARTLEASING.
  • How can I turn my apartment keys in when I’m moving out?

    To turn your apartment keys in, simply drop them off at the office to any office staff member.

  • When moving out, when do my apartment keys need to be turned in?

    When moving out of an apartment, keys are due to be returned to the office by close of Business on the last day of your lease contract.  

  • What happens if I break my lease or breach the lease contract?

    If the apartment lease contract is broken or breached, is outlined in your lease contract, in the Default by Resident paragraph. Pointedly:

    • Resident will be responsible for 85%-100% re-letting fee
    • Resident will be responsible for all rent that was originally agreed upon
    • Resident forfeits any and all security deposit
    • We will be very sad     
  • What happens if I don’t submit 60-Days’ notice for my apartment?

    If you do not submit proper notice to vacate for you apartment, in Venterra’s case - 60 days before the end date - you will be responsible for fulfilling 60 Days’ notice, even if it means going beyond your original lease contract end date.  Going beyond your contract end date will result in an extremely increased, month-to-month rental rate, which you’ll be responsible for, pro-rated for the number of days beyond your contract. For example, if you’re moving out 14 days after your contract, you’ll be responsible for those 14 days of rent at the month-to-month rate.  No one wants that, so please submit your notice or better yet, renew your contract!

  • What happens if I move out before the end of my apartment’s lease contract?

    Moving out of your apartment before your lease contract expires, except in special circumstances, is considered breaking the lease contract and will incur several penalties, which are outlined in your lease contract in the Default by Resident paragraph.

  • What if I want to move out at the end of my apartment’s lease contract?

    If you want to move out at the end of your contract, every apartment community requires advance notice of your intent to move out.  At Venterra, we require a notice 60 Days prior to your lease contract’s end date. You must fill out our ‘Notice of Intent to Move Out’ form and submit it to the office 60 days before your contract expires.  

  • Other than signing a new lease contract, what’s required of me to transfer apartments?

    Just like when you moved into your first apartment, you must show proof that you’ve transferred your electric account and renters insurance to your new apartment.

    The move out from your previous apartment will be processed as a normal move out. 

  • Can I transfer to another apartment?

    You can absolutely transfer to another apartment!  To transfer, in most cases, you must have been in your apartment for at least 6 months, with no late payments.  

    Please check with the office staff to view the Transfer Policies and Transfer Agreement.

  • How are apartment lease renewal rates selected?

    Renewal rates for your apartment are selected based on new lease pricing and vary based on length of renewal term you select.  The Best value will be highlighted in the email and letter you receive.

  • What if I lock myself out of my apartment after hours?

    If you lock yourself out of your apartment after hours, you will have to call a locksmith at your own expense to regain entry. This may seem frustrating, but it’s for your safety.  Anyone could call the maintenance line and claim to be you or someone who lives in the apartment and with the office closed, they have no way of verifying who someone says they are.

  • What do I do if my smoke detector starts chirping?

    If the smoke detector in your apartment starts chirping, it means the battery is low and needs to be replaced. Do not disconnect your smoke detector. Simply submit a service request and a member of our maintenance team will be right out to replace the battery for you.

  • What is considered a Maintenance Emergency?

    The below items are what we consider Maintenance Emergencies and will respond to these on a priority basis:

    • A/C not cooling and outside temperature is over 72 degrees
    • Heater not heating and outside temperature is below 68 degrees
    • Toilet overflowing
    • Toilet not flushing – for apartments with only one toilet
    • Bath tub not draining – for apartments with only one bath tub
    • No hot water
    • Garbage disposal not working - if water is backing up in sink
    • Refrigerator not working
    • Stove not working
    • Broken window
    • Broken door
    • Water leaks
    • Electrical power out
  • How can I submit a Service Request?

    There are four different ways to submit a service request for your apartment:

    • Submit your Maintenance Request from your phone via the Venterra SMARTHUB.
    • Send us an email with your maintenance request.
    • Give us a call.
    • Come into the office and let us know.
  • If I no longer have a pet, do I get my pet deposit back?

    If you no longer have a pet in your apartment, your pet deposit will not come back to you right away.  Pet deposits become part of the general security deposit and, if applicable, will be returned after your move out has been processed.  

  • How do I register a Service Animal with the office?

    We are more than happy to welcome your service animal to our community! To register your Service Animal with the office, you will need:

    • A completed Companion Animal Form
    • A letter from a medical professional either prescribing the animal or stating that the animal is necessary.

    If you have any other questions, please contact your office staff.

  • How can I register my pet with the office?

    To register your pet with the office and add a pet to your apartment lease contract.  You will need to complete an Animal Addendum and pay your pet fee and deposit. We understand that this can be costly, so we offer to split pet fees into three payments.

    If you would like to remove a pet from your apartment lease contract, you can:

  • What if I get a pet, but forget to register it with the office?

    If you get a pet, but forget to register it with the office, simply come by the office and take care of it.  

    If you have a pet in your apartment that you have not registered with the office, you will receive notification to register your pet.  If you do not, then you will subject to a lease violation and an unauthorized pet fee of $100, plus $10 per day until the pet is either registered or gone.  

  • Can I pet sit for a friend?

    You may not pet sit for a friend unless the Community Manager has given you the authorization to do so.  You may not pet sit any pets that are not allowed within the community or are on the Restricted Breed list.   

  • How was the Restricted Breed list created?

    Breed Restrictions are usually based on aggressive behavior or the reputation of a specific breed with little thought applied. Venterra used national data, gathered over a 12-month period, that cataloged reported cases of injury to a person or damage to property.

  • What are your Breed Restrictions?

    Every apartment community has a restricted breed list, but as long as your four-legged family member isn't listed, you can have up to 3 pets! Exclusively at Venterra Apartment Communities.

    • Akita
    • Alaskan Malamute
    • American Staffordshire Terrier
    • American Bully
    • Australian Cattle Dog
    • Bloodhound
    • Boerboel
    • American Bulldog
    • Bull Mastiff
    • Canary Dog
    • Cane Corso
    • Chow Chow
    • Doberman Pinscher
    • Dogo Argentino
    • German Shepherd
    • Giant Schnauzer
    • Great Dane
    • Irish Wolfhound
    • Kangal
    • Leonberger
    • Pit Bull
    • Presa Canario
    • Pyrenean Mastiff
    • Rottweiler
    • Scottish Deerhound
    • Siberian Husky
    • Tibetan Mastiff
    • Wolf Hybrid

  • What types of pets are allowed?
    • Pets allowed in your apartment are dogs, cats, caged birds, fish, and caged rodents (mice, hamsters, gerbils, etc.).
    • Exotic animals, including but not limited to, such as ferrets, snakes, rabbits, reptiles, spiders, insects and uncaged birds are prohibited unless approved in writing by the Owner.
    • Venomous animals are prohibited.  
    • If in doubt, check with a member of your office staff.  
  • How many pets can I have?

    Three!!  We know that pets are furry family members and allow up to three pets per apartment in all of our communities.

  • What if my roommate or significant other wants to move out, can they be taken off the lease?

    If someone wants to move out of your apartment is an occupant, they can be removed from the contract. To do this, a Permanent Move Out Addendum must be completed and signed by all leaseholders.     

    If the person moving out of your apartment is a leaseholder, the Affidavit of Permanent Move Out must be completed and those remaining in the apartment are subject to re-verification to ensure that the income requirements are still met.  

  • Why should I add someone as occupant?

    You should add someone as an occupant in your apartment because it is important that everyone who resides in it must meet our qualifying criteria. Adding someone as an occupant allows them to come and go freely, get their own key, use the amenities, and lets us know who is residing within our community, even on a part-time basis.

  • How do I add an applicant or occupant to my apartment?

    To add an applicant to your lease contract, visit the office for a paper application.  Once the person submits their application, they will be processed as a normal application and added to your contract.

  • How do I get authorization for longer visits?

    If you would like to have a guest stay in your apartment for more than 4 consecutive days, contact the Community Manager and request a longer allowed visit time for your guest.

  • How long can guest stay without authorization?

    Our contract states that a guest may stay in your apartment for no more than 4 consecutive days, and no more than 7 days within a month without authorization.

  • How do I change my emergency contact?

    If you want to change your emergency contact for your apartment lease contract, a new form will have to be completed in the office.  

  • How is the water bill figured?

    Water bills in apartments are typically figured in one of two ways. Check with any member of the office staff to see which method your community uses.  It will either be:

    1) True measure – your bill will be based on how much water you use.

    2) Allocation – your bill will be a portion of overall usage, based on the square footage and number of occupants.  For example – the property gets one big water bill, after property use is removed, the remaining amount is divided up among the residents with the smallest portion of the bill going to the smallest apartment with one person living in it and the largest portion of the bill going to the largest apartment with the most allowable people living in it.

  • Do I get a referral reward for referring to sister properties?

    Yes, we offer referral rewards for referring to sister properties.  If you refer someone to another Venterra community, even in another state, you will receive the referral reward.  

  • Can I receive referral rewards after I move out?

    Yes, you can absolutely receive referral rewards after you move out if you are still eligible for rewards.  When you are no longer a resident, rewards will be sent in the form of a check. The applicant must list your name when completing the application in SMARTLEASING.  Please email regarding any questions you have.

  • What is a VIP?

    A VIP is a Very Important Person, to us, it’s someone who has referred three or more residents to live in the community.  VIPs receive a higher referral reward.

  • Do I get a reward for referring residents?

    Yes, we have a resident referral reward program.  Residents will receive a credit on their account for every resident they refer.  The credit will be added after the resident has lived in the community for 30 days.  The referred applicant must list your name when completing the application in SMARTLEASING.

  • If I have a complaint, how should I communicate it?

    If you have a complaint about your apartment or our community, our goal is to resolve it to your satisfaction.  Venterra is so passionate about your happiness that we’ve made it easy for you to share your thoughts. You can call, go to, or login to your Venterra SMARTHUB account to let us know.  The sooner you do, the sooner we can resolve it.

  • How do I handle noisy neighbors?

    For handling noisy neighbors, open communication is always the best way to resolve conflict. However, if you feel uncomfortable, call the office and either speak with the Community Manager, or if it’s after hours, select the option to speak to the Courtesy Officer.

  • Do I have to rent a Storage Space, Washer/Dryer, Carport, or Detached Garage at move in?

    You do not have to rent a storage space, washer and dryer, carport, detached garage, or assigned parking space when you move into your apartment.  You can add any of these items to your lease contract at any time.

  • How can I rent a Storage Space, Washer/Dryer, Carport, or Detached Garage?

    To rent a storage space, washer and dryer, carport, detached garage, or assigned parking space for your apartment, contact the office and we will work with you to determine what’s available, if it’s acceptable to you, and add it for you.  

  • If I have a guest coming to visit for a few days, can I get them a parking pass?

    If you have a guest coming to stay for a few days and you would like to get them a temporary parking pass, stop by, give us a call, or send us a message to speak with an office team member about it.  

  • Where can my guests park?

    We offer designated visitor parking areas for guests coming to your apartment.  These are the only places where a visitor or guest, or vehicle without a proper decal or hangtag, may park.

  • What if I lose my sticker or hangtag?

    If you lose your resident parking sticker or hangtag, stop by, give us a call, or send us a message and we will give you a new one.  

  • If I get a new car or a rental car, how can I avoid being towed?

    If you get a new car or have a rental car and want to avoid being towed, stop by the office and let us know about it!

    • For a rental car, you can get a temporary parking pass
    • For a new car, we’ll register your new vehicle and make any other adjustments to the vehicles registered to your apartment.
  • What do I do if I see someone suspicious or committing a crime?

    If you see someone suspicious or committing a crime, call 911 and report it, then call the office.  Calling the office first will delay response time.

  • What do I do in case of a fire?

    In case of fire, exit your apartment immediately, then call 911 and report the fire, then call the office.  Calling the office first will delay response time.

  • Can I paint my walls?

    Yes, you can paint the walls in your apartment! When it’s time to move out, you have the option of repainting them yourself or letting us repaint your walls for you.  While there is a cost if we repaint for you, in the grand scheme of things it’s usually about the same amount (and a heck of a lot easier) to let us paint them for you. If you would like to know what the charge would be, ask your Community Manager.    

  • Can I get a satellite instead of cable?

    You sure can get satellite instead of cable in your apartment. All we ask is that you and the installer adhere to the installation guidelines outlined in the lease contract. You will also need to pay the satellite deposit.  

  • Can I hang a wall mount for my TV?

    Yes, you can absolutely mount a TV in your apartment.  Please follow manufacturer’s instructions and be sure to use drywall anchors and, if possible, secure at least one side of the wall mount to a wall stud.

    Better yet, call the office and request Handy Man Services and we will schedule a time to come over and help.  Please note that we will hang the mount and you will hang the TV on the mount.

  • Can I get help hanging shelves?

    We are more than happy to help hang shelves in your apartment; we’ll help with all sorts of things.  Call the office and request Handy Man Services; we will schedule a time to come over and help.

    Submit a service request on the Venterra SMARTHUB.

  • Can I hang shelves?

    Yes, you can absolutely hang shelves in your apartment.  While other places may have rules against this, we encourage residents to make their apartments home.  Please remember that you are responsible for damage to your wall.

  • Can I get help hanging curtains?

    We are more than happy to help hang curtains in your apartment; we’ll help with all sorts of things.  Call the office and request Handy Man Services; we will schedule a time to come over and help.

    Submit a service request on the Venterra SMARTHUB.

  • Can I hang my own drapes or curtains?

    Yes, you can absolutely hang your own drapes or curtains in your apartment.  While other places may have rules against this, we encourage residents to make their apartments home.  We only ask that you keep two things in mind:

    • The drapes or curtains must be hung on the inside of the window, so that the blinds are what’s visible from the outside.
    • You will be responsible for any damage to the wall.
  • Is the Theater Room available for rent?

    You can rent the Community Theater Room for watch parties, sports games, movie nights, or almost anything.  Check with your apartment office staff to reserve the Theater Room. They will also be able to tell you if there is a fee and what the deposit is.  

  • Can the clubhouse be rented?

    In some cases, the apartment community clubhouse can be rented for events – birthday parties, sports games, baby showers, or almost anything.  Check with your office staff to see if the clubhouse is available. They will also be able to tell you if there is a fee and what the deposit is.

  • Do I have to do anything special for pest control?

    There are things that need to be done before any pest control treatment.  For standard apartment pest control treatment, please make sure all people food and pet food is put away. That’s it.  If anything more is required, either the property staff or pest control company will provide specific instructions.

  • How do I schedule pest control?

    No one likes pests.  We make it easy for you to request pest control for your apartment.  You can:

    • Stop by the office to make an appointment for pest control.
    • Email your property team to schedule your visit.

    Send a message via the Venterra SMARTHUB.

  • Do you offer pest control?

    Yes, we offer pest control for your apartment.  Each community offers pest control one day per week.  To see which day pest control is available, refer to your Move-In Folder or check with your office team.

  • How can I pay rent if it’s late?

    If rent is late, there may be restrictions on how rent can be paid.  Please contact your leasing staff to determine the best way to make payment.  Remember that late fees are typically required and should be included when rent payment is late.

  • Do you accept cash?

    Unfortunately, we do not accept cash. We only accept personal check in person. You can also make a payment in the office with a credit and debit card through your Venterra SMARTHUB account. Or save yourself time and set up ACH.  

  • How can I pay rent?

    We try to make it as easy as possible for you. There are several ways you can pay rent for your apartment:

    • With a credit card through the Venterra SMARTHUB on your computer, phone, or tablet
    • With an ACH direct draft from your bank account
    • Through Paypal
    • We’d love to see you! Come by in person
  • When does Valet Waste pick up?

    Valet Waste sets the pick-up times. They are listed on your move-in sheet, or if that’s not handy, simply give the office a call or send a message via the Venterra SMARTHUB.

  • Is there a size restriction on fish tanks?

    Yes, there is a size restriction for fish tanks. If you live above the first floor, you may not have a fish tank that is larger than 50 gallons. There is not a size restriction for fish tanks on the first floor, though you will need to get your Community Manager’s approval.

  • Can I have a waterbed?

    You can have a waterbed if you live on the first floor.  If you live on any other floor, waterbeds are prohibited.  

  • What if my gate card, remote, or fob doesn’t work?

    If your gate card, remote, or fob doesn’t work, simply bring it in to the office and we’ll replace it for you.

  • Are access gates timed?

    Access gates are set on a timer, typically the amount of time that it takes for one car to pass though.  To avoid damage to yours or anyone else’s vehicle by the gate, don’t follow through behind someone or tell someone to follow you through.

  • Is my intrusion alarm monitored?

    Your apartment home may have an intrusion alarm, and while you can set your own code and it will function as an alarm should, it is not monitored by emergency services.  If you want your alarm to be monitored, you will need to contact the alarm company of your choice and set it up.

  • Should I make an appointment to sign my lease?

    While your contract is digitally signed, there are some addenda that need a physical signature. We highly recommend that all approved applicants sign their lease contract and all other paperwork before move-in day.  Let us know when is good for you and we’ll set aside time for you to come in and get your paperwork done.

  • What is DocuSign?

    In the interest of reducing paper, and making the move-in process easier, Venterra uses DocuSign for lease contracts.  This way, you can sign your lease with a click, from an email, before moving day! Because who wants to spend time signing a long document when the moving truck is idling in the driveway?

  • What if my Renter’s Insurance Policy lapses?

    If your Renters Insurance policy lapses, email notifications are sent and you will have a 48-hour window to reactivate your Renters Insurance policy.  If a valid Renter’s Insurance policy number is not submitted within 48 hours, a lease violation fee will be added to the account. Penalties will escalate and include eviction.

  • Is Renters Insurance required?

    Yes, Renters Insurance is required.  Most apartment communities now require a Renters Insurance policy; most commonly $100,000 in liability coverage.  Venterra requires that each apartment must get and maintain a Renters Insurance policy with at least than $100,000 in liability and the Property must be listed as an interested party on the policy.

  • When do I set up my electricity?
    • After your application is approved, and you do your happy dance, simply call the electric company of your choice and set up electric service for your apartment. 

      Some electric companies may not allow electric service to be scheduled more than 30 days in advance. So, if you’re looking to move in more than 30 days after you’re approved, mark your calendar to call the electric company a few weeks before you’re scheduled to move. You will need to supply your electricity account number to the office before you move in.


    SMARTLEASING is Venterra’s proprietary application process. It only takes 5 minutes and you'll pay nothing until you are approved and decide to reserve an apartment.  It’s Fast. It’s Free. It’s Freaking Awesome.

  • What is the application process?

    With SMARTLEASING by Venterra, all you have to do is 1) complete the 5 minute form; 2) click submit; 3) get approved in 5 minutes.
    With SMARTLEASING by Venterra, you never pay any fees until you are approved.

  • How do I get a Guarantor?


    • If allowed at the community, a Guarantor will fill out an online application via SMARTLEASING at the same time you apply. We will run a credit report and verify that the Guarantor makes at least 4X the monthly rent amount.  
    • Once your Guarantor is approved, they will complete the Lease Guaranty with the Community Manager and be added to your lease contract.
    • Please note that not all communities allow Guarantors. Check with the office staff at your community if one is needed.



  • Is a Guarantor a Co-Signer?

    A Guarantor is not a Co-Signer. The difference between a Guarantor and a Co-Signer is that a Guarantor has no rights to the apartment and cannot discuss anything other than financial aspects.

  • What is a Guarantor?

    A Guarantor is a person who guarantees rent payment. Guarantors can be used when an applicant does not meet income requirements, but meets all other qualifying guidelines.

  • How many people are allowed per apartment?

    Occupancy rates vary by state, county, and even from community to community. All Venterra communities, across the country, maintain occupancy standards of 2 persons per bedroom, plus one person 36 months of age or younger.

  • How do you decide approval?

    Our application approval is fast and easy with SMARTLEASING by Venterra.  We usually have an answer for you in about 5 minutes. When you apply for an apartment consider, we take 3 things into account when processing all applications:

    1. Criminal History
    2. Credit History
    3. Current Income
  • How many paycheck stubs do you require?

    When renting an apartment, you are usually asked to present the two most recent paycheck stubs.  With SMARTLEASING by Venterra, the application process is a whole lot easier and faster, as in 5 minutes tops! Check it out!

  • Do you check criminal records?

    Yes.  Our third-party processing partner runs criminal background checks on each person who applies, as either a lease-holder or an occupant. Convictions or while serving deferred adjudication or case pending for crimes listed in our criteria will result in a denial.

  • How much do I have to make to rent an apartment?

    Typically, when renting an apartment, you’ll need to make 3 times the monthly rent amount.  So, if the rent is $1000, then you must make at least $3000 per month, before taxes. This is different at some communities and you should always confirm if this is a concern for you.